Not so long ago I was invited to a BD party. The birthday boy was my best friend some when but I changed my mind when he met his "destiny" - a really crazy girl with absence of any attractiveness. But it's not the topic of the post ^_^
So, my ex-best-friend invited my BF and me to take part in his Birth Day Party... We were not very glad to get the invitation, but we took it to observe the decencies.
I was very surprised to meet unknown people there. Usually when I make a party I care about the consisting of the company - everybody should know each other and be at least good mates... But Anton (my EX-best-friend) 's choice of guests was a little bit strange... His girlfriend, two girls (friends of Anton's girlfriend), university mate, colleague from Anton's job, my BF and me. The only man I considered my "mate" was Anton himself.
There was not any common interest or topic to discuss between the guests. Everybody felt uncomfortable, shy and boring. As a result we left the party early in the evening (about 8:00) - "childish time". And till now I regret our visiting that party.
So, having this bitter experience, I advise you not to gather different people under one roof. There are some situations when you just need to do it. For example wedding or something like this. But during such a big activity all guests already have there own little company (family for example) so the fact that they are different is not critical.
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