Dec 17, 2007

Health... Take care!

I like drive and fun and active life. But sometimes something is wrong and everything becomes colourless, dismal... What is wrong? My health. These damned flu and cold make me lifeless; they are an obstacle in the way of joy and happiness... I try! I fight it! Somebody told me the recipe of "healthy cocktail" - it helps! Here it is: 1 glass of hot milk+1 spoon of honey+ 1 spoon of brandy+ baking soda(a little bit). Mix and drink! Then go to bed! The another recipe is more harsh: vodka(100 ml)+red hot chilli pepper+honey. Drink with garlic and jump into the warm bed under the thick blanket.
Usually when I have to stay at home because my illness I'm really dying - it's boring, killing, depressive and so on. But what can I do when I'm bedridden? Low spirits don't let me enjoy every moment........ This virus keeps off friends and relatives......... But I'm FUN LIME!!! I don't give up! I rule my life! When I'm ill I can watch films, read books, cook something delicious, surf the internet, write articles, play chess, call up everybody I know and play a trick on them "Ha-ha-ha! It's Bush! American president! Open the door - I'm over there:)" May be Bush is not so popular.... So usually I pretend to be Paris Hilton or Naomi Campbell;)

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