Nov 27, 2007

Choose your entourage

Not so long ago I was invited to a BD party. The birthday boy was my best friend some when but I changed my mind when he met his "destiny" - a really crazy girl with absence of any attractiveness. But it's not the topic of the post ^_^

So, my ex-best-friend invited my BF and me to take part in his Birth Day Party... We were not very glad to get the invitation, but we took it to observe the decencies.

I was very surprised to meet unknown people there. Usually when I make a party I care about the consisting of the company - everybody should know each other and be at least good mates... But Anton (my EX-best-friend) 's choice of guests was a little bit strange... His girlfriend, two girls (friends of Anton's girlfriend), university mate, colleague from Anton's job, my BF and me. The only man I considered my "mate" was Anton himself.

There was not any common interest or topic to discuss between the guests. Everybody felt uncomfortable, shy and boring. As a result we left the party early in the evening (about 8:00) - "childish time". And till now I regret our visiting that party.

So, having this bitter experience, I advise you not to gather different people under one roof. There are some situations when you just need to do it. For example wedding or something like this. But during such a big activity all guests already have there own little company (family for example) so the fact that they are different is not critical.

Nov 22, 2007

BirthDay Party, Part 2: PRESENTS

BirthDay Party, Part 2: PRESENTS

I promised to tell you about presents.... I always keep my promises!

Presents are very important. Good and well thought-out present can make the person happier and give great pleasure. But sometimes it's not easy to choose the gift. I remember my torments when I was trying to buy a present for my BF - head ache, uncertainty, scruple, tiredness and so on. But it's rather easy to buy a present for my Mom or sister because I know them to the smallest details. So, USE IT!!!! When you are invited to a BDparty ask hero-of-the-occasion's relatives, friends or folks about the present. Perhaps they will be able to help you. Any way they'll tell you about her/his favour or desire.

I have an example. When I was becoming 20 I wanted a fur coat very much. But you can imagine how expansive it is. All my family knew about my secret wish and they talked to all my friends and Granny and aunt and so on. And... they all together collected a big sum and presented it to me so I was able to buy a fur coat I liked.

As for my sister's BD I did the following thing: I phoned everybody who was invited and asked them what were they going to present. This "questioning" was not in vain - three friends were going to buy the same things!!! Of course I corrected their plans and everybody bought good and useful presents.

There are some essential rules of "present giving":
  • Never present useless things (toilet unplugger or yellow stockings)

  • Never present "second hand" things

  • Present the gift you want to get yourself

  • Don't try to solve any problems with your present

  • Try to present PERSONAL gifts (no - microwave oven, kettle, furniture, money; yes - jewel, perfume, if you exactly know the person's taste, some game, cell phone and so on)

  • Even if you don't have enough money don't buy smth. useless. It would be better if you buy just some flowers or chocolate.
  • Always present the gift with a frank smile!!!

  • Beautiful packing can rescue even hopeless present.

TTYS ^_^

Nov 20, 2007

BirthDay Party

Well... November, 17th is lovely date - it's my dear sister's Birth Day. All my life is just a waste of time without this day.
I'm so thankful to our parents for this Little Beauty - my sissy. Her name is Valerie, she is so so so so .... Of course it's my holy duty to make her Birth Day party the best party in the WORLD! And I did!
First of all we gathered all her friends and relatives in our small flat and made chic and splendid cooking with endless amount of different (and delicious) salads, first courses, and snacks and so on. Everybody recognized me as the best cook in the area. I did my best!
Then we played different games. For example:

  • all the guests are divided into 2 groups (teams). Both the teams are given the same task - to put on the stage (let it be "Little Red Riding Hood"). The only difference is - the first team makes it like an opera, the second one - like a ballet. Just imagine how fun it is!!!

  • TWISTER. I've already told you about this game.

After "home staying" we went to the bar with billiards and drank extreme coctails with fire and shouting and joy)))

I'm happy because my sister is happy.

"Program" is not the only thing which can make the holiday unforgettable. Presents take a very important place in any event............ TO bE CONTINUED!

Nov 19, 2007

Your POLL - my Role >^_^<

At the bottom of the page you can see a poll. Please, choose the answer - it's very important for me... I'll give you some information a week later - you'll like it, I promise. But I need your votes to make it more interesting))) Good LUCK!

Fun LIME - Your TIME!: Fight with your boring pastime!

Fun LIME - Your TIME!: Fight with your boring pastime!

Fight with your boring pastime!

If you are young, active and not a lazy cucumber, if your friends are not like last year's cabbage and you have some energy - it's for u!
Some imagination, courage and this blog will help you to spend your evenings as jolly as it possible.
I can offer you some ideas. First of all it is better to turn on the lights - it'll raise the spirits of your cosy little gathering. Then choose one of the following offers:

Maybe it's banal but it's a great fun! Espacially if you have some pritty ladies in your company. Even if you don't have this game you can just make it yourself! It's easy - just try!


I'm for healthy mode of life, but but but.... Interesting, exotic and delicious beverages and tipples will make your party wormer and franker ^_^ You don't need to drink only alchogol. Here is one non-alchogol recipe: take orange juice (200 ml), warm it up, but don't boil. Then add strawberry syrup (20 ml) and lime juice (20 ml) to the warm orange juice. Shake it well and add some ice with soda. DRINK! It's tasty and easy to make! Make something like "barman championship" and enjoy yourself!

  • Shoot a film!

All our life is a theatre and all people are the actors (something like that^_^). So everybody will be happy to play even a small part in your "company film".

I'm sleepy so it's difficult for me to write anything here... but I have a lot to say! It's not the end! It's just a beginning! Snatch some fortune!